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(3/1/2020) Back From an Adventure... Where to Next?

Hello fellow Archons!

The Archons of The Epic Quest have been amiss for the past fortnight wandering the lands of the Crucible. We've scoured the land for stories whilst fighting epic battles with the greatest of foes and now we have returned to you with more content.

The Moor Wolf Pack has gathered its numbers, highlighting even more amazing adventurers. Our members have battled it out in the Moor Wolf Pack Adaptive league, learning about the strange nature of Archons to switch sides in battle at a moment's notice. This came after a lone Moor Wolf ventured into the frigid lands of Canada to fight in the Rain City Games Vancouver Prime Competition. The Archon returned with a wretched Canadian Common Cold and suffered for a week till full recovery; but also brought a grand story to tell.

What secrets lie in the Shadows? What wonders have yet to be discovered?

In this time away, we have gathered many stories from the Crucible that we are excited to share with you, including intel from the Shadows and legends from deep within the territory of the Untamed. We'll be featuring new authors, roaming Archons, the competitive forces behind the Moor Wolf Pack, and theory-crafters contemplating about what is in store for the Crucible.

We also have a grand announcement to make:

Due to the valiant efforts of Doug "DJ Secret Santa", the Ultraethical Gourmand in the Crucible, the Moor Wolf Pack will be attending the Keyforge World Championships! Congrats to Doug"DJ Secret Santa"!

"DJ Secret Santa" triumphed over others into the Top 100 Keyforge players, allowing him to create a team to toil with great warriors later this year in Minneapolis. "DJ Secret Santa" sent out a call to the Moor Wolf Pack and two Archons joined his cause: myself- Austin "RealPlayerOne", Questing Cartographer -and Peter "SadCryBear", Towering Strategist. Together we are forming the first Moor Wolf Pack team to be attending the Championships!

In addition to this fierce competition on the horizon, another day of quarrels will first rise. Moor Wolves RealPlayerOne, juicebox, SadCryBear, and codykraz will attend the Alameda Vault Tour to test their Survival skills, representing the Moor Wolf Pack at the Keyforge Battle on the Boat. As this variant is brand new to these questers, many quarrels and much strategizing is in their future.

Great adventures have passed and many more are just ahead! We hope you continue to follow along with us on this Epic Quest. To keep up to date on the adventures cataloged on The Epic Quest, you can find me on Twitter as @TheEpicQuestKF, and on Discord as TheRealPlayerOne#7724. Look forward to new articles this week and the next as we finally get more content published! In the meantime, be sure to check our other articles and stories:

The Silver VaultWarrior

Mass Mutation: Keyforge Set 4 Revealed!

Deck-Warping Cards: Epic Quest

Cheers and may your Aember always shine bright,

-Austin "RealPlayerOne", Questing Cartographer

(1/26/2020) A New Adventure... an Epic Quest!

Hello fellow Archon!

I wanted to welcome you to The Epic Quest, a new blog and website for all things Keyforge! As this site grows, you'll find this to be a repository for knowledge and ideas from many minds! For now, I will be taking the lead regarding new content on the page, but more authors will be joining me in the near future!

My name is Austin, and I will be the main contributor and site manager for The Epic Quest! Many people know me as RealPlayerOne, which is my username across the Keyforge world. The namesake of the website, Epic Quest, is the card that tends to intrigue me the most in the current card pool. It became my favorite card very early on in my Keyforge experience and I'm known for my Epic Quest decks; you can expect an article soon about the card and my decks with it! Outside of Keyforge, I am a GIS Specialist by trade, and I like to think of myself as a cartographer (although my work is usually a little bit more technical than that!), and I think that translates well to the world of Keyforge, since every deck gives us a chance to discover more - more interactions we haven't seen, more combos we haven't prepared for, and interesting Archon names to laugh about - kind of like Uncharted Lands! You'll find each of these aspects embedded in my name used across the site: Austin "RealPlayerOne", Questing Cartographer.

My hope for this site is for it to be a place where anyone (mainly from the Moor Wolf Pack, my wonderful team in Seattle) can post their musings and ideas regarding Keyforge. You can expect deck analysis (including ideas about an alternative rating system and my process in developing it), strategy regarding different formats and deck selection, literature about the Crucible and its inhabitants, my experience and my fellow Archons' experience at Tournaments, investigations into Game Design and alternate formats, speculation on news and future sets, and whatever else we come up with!

I am personally very excited to be a place for Archon authors to weave their tales about the crazy Crucible world in addition to providing the tools I use for deck management/investigation. This site is still pretty new, so while the shelves may be a little empty, I assure you they will not collect dust. Be sure to check back for more content to come!

If you're interested in writing for the site (even just one article!) just let me know! You can be anonymous if you like, be a consistent writer for us, or just pop in for a single passage. I've added a page for other resources (many that have significantly helped me in my journey so far) and would love to add you as a content creator there too, just send me a message!

In the coming days/week, you can expect the following to start off the site:

  • Epic Quest Deck Analysis
  • An Epic-Style Poem About Questis Peltrasius, the Silver and Virtuous
  • Speculation about Set 4
  • The Beginning of a New Short Story
  • Tournament Reports from Recent Primes
  • And more after that!

Moving forward, this page will be the starting page for the blog/articles as well as the location for any general announcements. So keep an eye on this page for more to come!

Thanks for joining me on this Epic Quest!

-Austin "RealPlayerOne", Questing Cartographer